Monday, May 21, 2012


I have on several occasions been asked if I make a musk soap or anything with musk. I explain that all my products do not contain any animal products. Does anyone realize where musk comes from ? Hate to ruin it for everyone but I enjoy educating the my customers about the perfume industry.
Musk used in the perfume industry unfortunately comes from two cute critters.
The first is an african civet cat. The musk is harvested from the "anal glands" of both the female and male cats. Once captured these wild cats are housed in tiny cages for their entire lives. What a cruel existence for these beautiful creatures. The makers of Chanel #5 have used musk in the past and now claim to use a synthetic musk in their perfume.

The second critter that produces musk for the perfume industry is the Musk Deer. This tiny deer is hunted and killed to obtain it's musk ,which resides in a tiny pouch near it's abdomen.
The perfume industry perpetuates this cruelty.
So if you are going to wear perfume or cologne please wear it responsibly. Wear only products made from pure essential oils extracted from plants. Perfume companies do not have to state on their labels
 what is in their formulations. Their recipes are closely guarded secrets which include synthetic compounds containing Pthalates or plasticisers, another topic I will address next time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I could just cry !

                                                                 Tears of joy of course. Two years it took to create this website.  Arm and arm with some talented people we ascended the gangplank and here it is !


Build it and they will come,
but still no frogs in the patch.
Maybe they don't like the lights
or my choice of plants.
Maybe they're waiting,
 hunkered down somewhere
under the hedge,
 until twilight seeps across the lawn
and I go inside the house.